Jazz Conversations, BOP Jazz Theatre Company

A woman hides her face with her arms. She is surrounded by a group of female dancers. The scene is lit in red.

BOP Jazz Theatre Company in Jazz Conversations © Punjab2000

To bring some joy into your life, look no further than BOP Jazz Theatre Company.

Led by champion of the art form and choreographer Dollie Henry MBE, this nine-person company have just completed a two-night run of their mixed programme Jazz Conversations at The Place.

The first half of the night kicked off with a high energy performance from IMPACT Dance Youth company, before heading into a series of short works from the company’s back catalogue. ‘Footprints in Jazz’ was a particular highlight: an ensemble piece performed under orange lights which made it feel like they were welcoming in a new day. The work was led by Nafisah Baba whose beautiful arm- and hand-ography was returned to again and again over the evening.

Ensemble work is where both Dollie excels as a choreographer and the company comes into their own. This is a group of dancers who feel music in their soul, which perfectly matches the accented, stop-start nature of jazz dance: every pose was hit with precision and finesse to bring the score alive.

The showcase also demonstrated the versatility of the artform. In ‘Last Dance with my Father’, Henry reflected on the loss of her father (the entire night was compèred by her through prerecorded voice overs) in a lyrical, solo work performed by Valentina Dolci, one of the company’s most expressive performers who gave her soul to the work.

In the second act, the cast were joined on stage by a jazz band for a celebration of Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis.

Oraine Frater (in a white shirt and grey waistcoat) paints at an easel. Jazz Conversations by BOP Jazz Theatre Company.

Oraine Frater in Jazz Conversations by BOP Jazz Theatre Company © Punjab2000

Along with a series of ensemble works, the highlight was a romantic duet about an artist (Oraine Frater) dreaming of, and dancing with, his muse (Baba). Throughout the night Frater had proved himself to be an incredibly assured dancer - he had a quiet confidence as he hit every leap and tilt, always served with a smile - and this was no different.

But it wasn’t just Frater who was having the time of his life on stage. The entire ensemble radiated joy throughout the night, through every arm extension, spin, leap, point, flamenco hand twist, and Lindy Hop-style stroll. As an audience member, you wanted to bottle it up and take a little bit of that BOP-joy home with you.



Jazz Conversations by BOP Jazz Theatre Company

The Place, London / 20 September 2024

Press ticket


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Hi I’m Beatrice, creator of Like Nobody’s Watching and all around ballet nerd.

Like Nobody’s Watching’s aim is to raise the profile of dance in the UK and encourage more people to engage with this incredible and fascinating art form, one step at a time.


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